TM5 Mosaic Render Polymer-based Top Coat Deko M Basalt 02 23.8 kg Atlas

SKU: 28999


fine aggregate decorative mosaic render inspired by natural stone
  • highly resistant to mechanical damage
  • excellent resistance to washing
  • creates unique colour compositions

Mosaic renders are mixed when ordered and treated as custom orders thus non-refundable. There’s no possibility to exchange it for another colour or return it. Please make sure you’re happy with the colour choice and quantity before you order. If in doubt we recommend visiting one of our stores to look at the samples.

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ATLAS DEKO M is a line of mosaic renders made of an advanced base: a mix of acrylic water dispersions, hydrophobic agents, modifiers and specially selected natural and dyed aggregates (depending on the expected colour composition).
ATLAS DEKO M forms light and durable rendering coat of improved resistance to washing, cleaning and scrubbing.
ATLAS DEKO M is used for outdoor and indoor application of decorative and protective rendering coats on existing and newly constructed buildings:
• in composite external thermal insulation systems (ETICS) with polystyrene boards (EPS),
• on even, appropriately prepared mineral substrates (e.g. concrete, traditional cement, cement-lime and gypsum plasters), plasterboards, gypsum-fibre boards, chipboards, OSB boards, well-bonded paint coats (e.g. oil dado, etc.).
ATLAS DEKO M renders are recommended for:
• indoor use on surfaces exposed to intensive traffic and high operational loads (halls in schools, kindergartens, healthcare objects, offices, underground passages, etc.),
• outdoor use on surfaces exposed to high thermal loads, atmospheric factors action or those requiring frequent washing: on plinths, fences, retaining walls, posts.

Main properties

ATLAS DEKO M is a line of mosaic renders consisting of a modern base: a mixture of aqueous dispersions of acrylic hydrophobic agents, modifying additives and specially selected coloured quartz aggregates.

ATLAS DEKO M is a light and durable render coating with increased resistance to washing, cleaning and scrubbing.

Rich colours

    •  – can be applied to a wide range of substrates, great freedom when designing walls in showrooms, car showrooms, offices, flats, stairwells, waiting rooms, lobbies, hallways, facades of residential buildings, public buildings, etc.

High elasticity, resistance to mechanical damage 

    • – the ability to bridge thermal stresses and impacts ensured by a high content of dedicated polymer dispersions. The render perfectly compensates for the stresses resulting from different thermal expansion of the layers underneath it, arising, for example, from strong sunlight.

High durability of the render during use

    •  – through the use of a combination of acrylic dispersions, special additives and modifiers:
    • – increased durability of the coating,
    • – increased resistance to weathering and UV radiation,
    • – increased resistance to microbial growth is provided,
      • – ensures that the aesthetic appearance of the façade is maintained over the long term.

Strong surface hydrophobisation, self-cleaning ability 

    • – the highly UV-resistant hydrophobic layer effectively reduces the structural absorption of the render and allows for a water-repellent effect that lasts over time, ensuring that dust and dirt particles do not adhere and can be rinsed away during precipitation.

Dark and intense colours

    •  – the product uses natural fillers in the form of natural broken aggregates, coloured by coating. This has made it possible to obtain:
    • – a very broad spectrum of expedition design, taking into account the diverse tastes and needs of the audience,
    • – a rich colour palette that also includes dark and intense colours.

High colour fastness 

    • – ensured through the use of natural aggregates coloured with polyurethane resins using special hybrid mixtures of inorganic pigments and organic pigments with increased resistance to external influences.


Average consumption of ATLAS DEKO M type TM 5 render:

  • Mechanical application: 1st layer by hand 2.4 – 3.6 kg/m² 2nd layer mechanically approx. 0.8 kg/m²
  • Manual application (on smaller areas only): 2.4-3.6 kg/m²

It depends on: the type of substrate, the thickness of the layer, the appearance of the expected final texture. We recommend determining the exact consumption of the material on the basis of a test.

We supply base and aggregate MIXED unless requested otherwise.

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